Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Me, this very second

I have started my second book; the second of a two part series.  The first one, My Stupid Girl, is already out and awaiting you with abated breath.

BUT, its interesting to start the second one after working so hard on the first one for so long. 

My point-this is me RIGHT NOW! 

I'm jumping and I'm not sure where I'm going to be landing.  Hopefully on my feet!


Rebecca Green Gasper said...

I feel the same way! I think it is hard to start the next one after all that hard work with the first. Best of luck- I'll be cheering you on :) PS: I really like your header on your blog- what a cool pic of you and your book. :)

Jolene Perry said...

Series are HARD, and I don't want to take the time to "catch people up" but you sort of have to... Tricky, tricky...

Aurora Smith said...
