Thursday, October 30, 2014

Look what happened

This little girl happened. She is so wittle and sweet and hungry!

And these four men like her a lot!
But let me tell you something.  I'm tired.  It's been a month of sleeping no more than 3 hours at a time and couch cat napping. 


  1. Congratulations, Aurora! She is a wonderful addition to your family. :)

  2. Hello Aurora,
    I am Dan of the editorial team of JustFiction Publishing, a publishing house specializing in publishing novels, fiction, poetry and short stories of all genres from new, aspiring and experienced authors.
    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
    I liked your blog posts! Would you consider starting a conversation about possibly publishing your work with us, if you have other writings like this? You can reach me at d.[my surname]
    I'd be delighted to tell you more about us.
