Thursday, October 6, 2011

In which a book cover kills me...

I swear to you writing an entire book was easier than the stinking cover of said book. 

I though Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I get to help design a book cover!  Hooray.  HOW FUN.  Happy, happy, joy, JOY!

Nothing has ever stressed me out so much.  The designer was/is amazing.  But the whole process almost killed me.  It was like well what about this, no lets do this, how about this, this might be better!!!  And so on and so forth. 

This is the cover I almost went with.  It look me three seconds to make.

NICE, right?

Well, I didnt have to use that fabulous one becuase I finally got the cover art back.  Completed and ready to be shown. 

Obviously that is the front, spine and back.  And I love it so much.  My cousin drew that little Goth bird boy and I love him. 

So there it is.  That part is DONE.  DONE DONE DONE!!!! 

Now onto the publishing.  My goal is to have this book out by January. 


  1. I love the second cover, can't get enough illustrated covers but it made me instantly think of fantasy and from the synopsis I'm guessing this is a contemporary or am I wrong? Either way the cover will grab people's attentions.

  2. It is contemporary, the cover makes scenes once you read it. :)

  3. Wow! I really love it! You are a talented artist.

  4. The cover + the blurbs = fabulous! I'm monstrously curious now.

  5. Hey there, this is super gorgeous. What a cover! Can you send your cuz over to Oz to help me?

    All the best for January deadline. I hope to get an anthology of shorts out before Christmas. In my dreams...which Christmas?


  6. Personally I love both covers ;)

    But seriously, the one you are going with is awesome.

  7. Thanks for checking out my blog. Came here to reciprocate and am very happy I did. I love that book cover...the one with the winged gothboy. Very awesome indeed.

  8. Awesome cover. Much better than the first one. lol

  9. Awww, come on. Its toilet paper! Thats awesome! hahaha.
