Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Okay, I have had lots of people ask me about my book that I am hoping is going to be out at the beginning of next year.  My Stupid Girl.  If you are a regular to this blog, you've heard the name. 

This is the cover....

I worked super duper ridiculously hard and made you a video that highlighted the first chapter of the book.  My only conclusion is that only weiners can make videos and upload them...

My friends, I am no weiner! 

SO, scenes I pride myself in being a problem solver, I am going to simply put up the pictures I made for the video and just ask you to read them.  Pretend for me that the song "Secrets" by One Republic is playing while you read it. 

Or better yet, press play and read...

Here are some images that have inspired me during my research of the "Emo/Gothic" world.  These ten pictures hold snippets from the first chapter of my book.  It is filled with the deliciousness that is Lucy and David! 



  1. Oh man I got chills! I can't wait to read this!!!

  2. Great little snippets! The cover is really cool:)

  3. Holy cow! You have FABULOUS voice! The voice totally got me. This book sound really awesome.

  4. Thankyou Peggy. I appreciate it. My goal is to have the book out by January.

  5. Cool idea, and I'm liking the cover. I'm a newbie follower too, and I'm glad I found this blog :)

  6. I've read it already and I can't wait to read it again...that's a good sign you know.

  7. Love that song. I can definitely feel/see your artistic heart in all this.
